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Relationship Coaching: Text Messaging

Technology has become a wonderful staple and a beacon of efficiency in our lives. Words that once took days to reach their intended recipient can now be communicated in mere seconds. We all know the mediums of email, texting, and the power of social … [Read more...]

Relationship Coaching: Healing before love

To gain the "true love" you must desire to heal. Isaiah 43:18 18 "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past True love requires holding hands and walking as one are you willing to give of yourself to walk the journey? Many times … [Read more...]

Relationship Coaching: Love is a choice

Love is a human hunger we all desire. God placed this beautiful desire within us. We all have a love "tank" that needs to run on full instead of empty. This doesn't have to be limited to romantic love since the love of family and friends is needed as … [Read more...]

Relationship Coaching: Do you multiply or divide?

In life we seek to be a part of a relationship. However, how often do we seek a relationship to multiply, add to, and enhance the life of another? Often we seek a relationship in order to gain something; however, the problem arises when the gain is … [Read more...]